Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

This post title may seem familiar to you if you follow my blog, and that is because I shared this recipe with you a few months ago after receiving my newest photography surface from Replica Surfaces, a company near and dear to my heart. You may remember that the surface I received was called DenscapeContinue reading “Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies”

Soft and Chewy Oatmeal Cookies

Is there a more timeless cookie than an oatmeal cookie? Honestly, these things have been around forever! I remember eating them when I was a child, while hearing stories from my grandmother about how she ate them when she was a child! A cookie like that has had ample time to be perfected and enjoyedContinue reading “Soft and Chewy Oatmeal Cookies”

Soft and Chewy Molasses Cookies

My love for the cookies I am about to share with you dates back to my childhood. My grandmother used to have molasses cookies at her house all the time. Hers were store-bought, even though she was an amazing baker. They were soft, chewy, cakey, puffs of the most delicious flavor, and I could neverContinue reading “Soft and Chewy Molasses Cookies”

Soft and Chewy Gingersnap Cookies

By now, you all know how much I love the holidays…like, all the holidays, except for maybe St. Patrick’s Day (but if I was Irish, I’m sure I’d love that one too). I love decorating my house, cooking up traditional meals, and giving my family lasting memories! The one thing I love the most ofContinue reading “Soft and Chewy Gingersnap Cookies”

Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Let me begin this post by saying that I, in no way, profess to be a Photographer. I will, however, say that somewhere along the way in my history of cooking, posting my food creations on social media, compiling my own private cookbook, and starting this blog, I have become more and more intentional aboutContinue reading “Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies”


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